Archive for September 16th, 2010

September 16, 2010

Readers respond to “how do you cope?” column…..

by Rod Smith

“You asked about feeling trapped. There are many mothers-in-law who are rejected by daughters-in-law. At first I took the rejection personally and my confidence was shattered. I have since met and heard of many women in my situation. There is something in the psyche of (some) women that causes them to reject her husband’s mother. It has been excruciatingly painful for me but I have no option but to cope. I miss the children more then words can describe. I have been completely excluded from their lives. My son has been forced to be a stranger to me. We were close all his life till the baby was born.” (Shortened)

“I am married to an alcoholic.  He is two different people. The one I love. I have at last come to the conclusion that I can no longer live with the other. I have tried everything over years only to finally understand that only he can save himself. My saving grace is ALANON.  After two years and only now have acceptance that I can’t help my husband. It has been a difficult road especially since we have had many amazing times together when he has been sober.  But it never lasts.” (Minimal edits)