Invite Rod

I conduct highly interactive workshops, retreats, seminars.

Email me ( for details. My workshops and teaching sessions generate a lot of hope, discussion, and enthusiasm. For a list of Retreat Topics go to the page entitled Events.

I have addressed every kind of audience you can imagine. I know you will not be disappointed.

“You might be the easiest speaker I have every worked with. Many speakers are very demanding, high maintenance individuals.” (Hospitality staff / Europe)

“I loved the way you did not come here with an agenda but waited to see what we thought we needed. You are a very perceptive man. No one has ever stood up to certain people so strongly in a way that they could really hear. Thanks for doing this. You brought us all hope.” CEO

6 Comments to “Invite Rod”

  1. I am interested in your workshops and retreats. Can you give me some details on them. Thanks,

  2. Hi Rod,
    You’re a hard man to find! Hope you all are well and enjoying your lives. We’ve missed you and hope to be in touch with you soon. Please reply to my email address as I would like to see if you might be available to speak as well as have you and the boys over for a brai–spring’s coming!
    With joy, Meg Sterchi & family

  3. Hello
    I am looking for any retreats or sessions for my ten year old son and I. I am single mother and also have a 6 year old child. We are faith base. Thier father plays a great deal of role in thier life. My 10 year old has turned into a disrespectful son..I know it is the age. I try and provide the best for my children by spending much time with them either exercise, reading, games, working as a group cleaning…any suggestions on where I can go from here?

  4. please adivse me of any seminars that are held in Waco.

    Thank you,

  5. Hi Rod
    I am a huge follower of your column. I want to ask you a question…do you think that i am negating my duties to have(after 6 years at home bringing up a child), begun to establish a career again.

    Is it wrong to want to have my own little thing that i can build and that is all mine. My husband is jumpy at the idea. He is a tycoon and i need to have something for me.

    Is this wrong????

  6. By the lack of comments here you’d think I’ve been staying at home — not so. Have traveled every year several times. And, I would like to come to you!

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