From Penang



Introduction to Bowen (1913-1990) Theory  

  1. Who was Murray Bowen (1913-1980)?
  1. Why/How did he develop his theory we refer to as Family Systems?
  1. What distinguishes Bowen Theory from other counseling disciplines?
  1. The connectedness of people, and the impact of the very connectedness.
  1. The POWER of Family Connections.
  1. The observation of Family Process rather than attempts to “fix” families.
  1. The focus on Health rather than on diagnosis and pathology
  1. The concept of Identified Patient rather than patient or trouble causer or problem.  
  1. The problem is regarded as being within the connectedness and within the group and not located within the “problem” person. 
  2. What constitutes Family when writing or talking about Family Systems Theory?  
  3. Dr. Bowen developed 8 concepts (principles, observations, trends) of Family Systems:
  1. differentiation of self – the scale
  2. triangles
  1. cutoffs
  1. family projection process
  1. multigenerational transmission process 
  1. sibling position
  2. emotional processes of society
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