High maintenance individuals

by Rod Smith

High maintenance people require constant attention and seek constant approval. They crave to be the center of almost every conversation and will often become moody, resentful, loud, threatening when they are not. 

They analyze every move, thought, word and action of others, and then read more meaning into statements, looks, sighs, attitudes than was ever intended. 

They are easily hurt, quickly offended, quick to rebuke when they do not get the kind of attention they think they deserve. 

Threats of withdrawal or desertion become a way of life. 

High maintenance people are difficult, sometimes impossible, even in the most relaxed of circumstances. They pick fights, find fault, and personalize almost everything. They argue with people who are closest to them for no apparent reason. They often pick on strangers (waiters, helpers). They often live in a world of cut-off relationships where others are idiots and no one understands.

What can you do if you are in a relationship with a high maintenance person? 

You can do very little that will not hurt, offend, or get a reaction – but you must make a stand. 

High maintenance people seldom benefit from pity or patience or empathy. 

They will only benefit from being constantly challenged to grow up.

(Please do not use this post to “assess” others…… look only at your own behavior).

Part of the campus…..

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